
Thursday, 28 February 2013

A Month in One Day!

I have to make an apology, I promised myself I would post religiously on my blog. For some reason February became as slippery as an eel and it escaped me. The first half of this month was taken up with the "blanket project", or my first knitting project as its is now known. Learning is a funny thing, you have to produce something to understand the mistakes you've made. There's probably a proverb in there, in Chinese, somewhere. I'm quite pleased with the little blanket but there are a few things I have learnt:

1) knitting takes ages
2) knitting with the wrong yarn for the pattern takes even longer
3) don't drink cava and knit

The blanket is one third of the size of the pattern. I wanted to attempt the edging which seemed impossibly fancy and the yarn was wrong, the colour was wrong and I'd made so many small mistakes I wasn't worried with producing the pattern verbatim. However, making it this small has given in an idea of sort for a "boo blanket".

What the blanket also told me was that you would have to be a super quick knitter to make a business out of selling them. Or, you would have a pay yourself peanuts. I'm pondering whether a knitting machine could be an answer but it would take away from the magic of the pieces I think. So for the time being my lovely blanket stall is on the back burner. Not to mention the stalls in the market post refurbishment will be too expensive, but most on that in a later post.

I then searched for patterns that were quick, I found and completed the following headband which I love! I need a button to finish it, but it took no time at all! It's possible that extreme knitting is the way forward! I'm now attempting a blanket made of squares and I can see it taking me at least a month, I've decided this proves how much time I am spending with my child which is copious!

Lots of food blogs to catch up on including the fabulous valentines chocolate cake!

Much love xxx

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